Welcome to Naas Study Hub

We provide supervised after school study

and subject grinds for secondary school students.  

*Bookings are now open for September 2024*




  • We provide long opening hours to ensure students complete their recommended daily study time.
  • We have a strict no nonsense policy which ensures meaningful study takes place at all times.
  • Students are given the opportunity to meet students from other schools and discuss their different subject areas.
  • Naas Study Hub provides both individual and group grinds (subject to demand) for a variety of subjects.
  • We have a fully equipped kitchen which students can use during their breaks (ten mins every hour) to make hot drinks or to heat up food etc.
  • Our hours are flexible.  Students are free to sign in/out as they please (during breaktimes only).  This is helpful for students who may have sports training or a musical instrument lesson after school for example.